
Amulets have magical powers

You’ll see a lot of people wearing gold necklaces with pendants containing scrolls or figures of monks. These are believed to bring protection and good luck to the wearer. In a taxi, look up and you’ll see the roof covered in protective blessings, or there’ll be amulets hanging from the rear-view mirror. You should never [...]

2018-07-16T06:15:17+00:00July 30th, 2018|Treatment|

Take a look inside Lavana Thai Spa

Never been to Lavana Thai Spa  in Benmore Gardens? Now's your chance to have a quick virtual tour! Lavana Thai Spa has modern, beautiful facilities plunging you into a world of luxury where you can unwind in peace. Have a look at our massages and treatments here. You can even book online! [...]

2017-08-28T09:38:14+00:00August 28th, 2017|Treatment|
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