The main difference between Thai Foot Massage and Reflexology is the emphasis of massage within the treatment. Thai Foot Massage is really good if you are on your feet a lot and find yourself with aches and pains of the feet or legs at the end of the day. This is because it works all the muscles and joints of the legs and lower legs leaving you feeling like you are floating on air. Whereas if you are feeling frazzled, stressed or anxious, reflexology has a lovely calming quality that allows us to deeply relax and unwind, resulting in a centered energy and wonderful feeling of wellbeing.


Reflexology is all about working on individual and precise reflex points with some gentle massage techniques often used to help the treatment flow as well as to help us feel deeply relaxed. Reflexology can encourage the balance and health of individual organs and systems of the body by working the corresponding reflex points, this allows a reflexology treatment to be tailored to your specific health requirements.


The Thai Foot Massage is more about using massage to open up and encourage the flow of Sen Energy channels but also covers all the reflexology points by thoroughly massaging the feet and ankles. Thai Foot Massage follows a set routine that actively promotes general good health and wellbeing.